lördag 10 november 2007


En och en annan överlevde, men blev rejält omskakade!
(Klicka på bilden om du orkar se den större)

Andra bloggar om: , ,

11 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Norrlandsparty eller? :D

rigg sa...

Det skulle ha blivit, Lilla Blå, det skulle ha blivit. Festen kom av sig.

Obzenia sa...

Where is this photo from??

Anonym sa...

It's from Norrland. A very cold place.

Obzenia sa...

Yes, in Sweden, I know. But the photo, is it after a party or what? Seems so strange...

rigg sa...

Indigo >> I really don´t know where the pictre is taken. Just found it in my mailbox.

Lilla Blå >> Yeah, Norrland is a really cold place, polar beers and reindeers are walking the streets.

rigg sa...

oooops... Polar bears are walking the streets, not polar beer. Cheers!

Anonym sa...

Hick! ;-)

Obzenia sa...

Thanks for your response :)
I am currently in Norway and this photo really caught my attention, after seeing a city messy with (non-polar) cans of beers :)

rigg sa...

Indigo, you're welcome! Do you understand Swedish?

Obzenia sa...

Nop, not really, only a few words. I can get roughly get the meaning when I read sth but I cannot speak at all. I'm just struggling to learn some :)